Landing a Note of Harmony for 2024
with Jin Shin Acupressure Self-care
Free online session
Saturday 6 January 2024 - 5 pm GMT
Saturday 6 January 2024 - 5 pm GMT
Every new year brings a promise of new beginnings and a chance to realign ourselves with our aspirations and visions for the future. The Art of Jin Shin offers one such opportunity to realign and to harmonize our bodies, minds and spirit. Come join us for a relaxing and meditative experience to embrace the New Year together.
Co-creating harmony
You are warmly invited to a gentle hour of practising Jin Shin self-care together on Saturday 6 January 2024 at 5pm GMT.
This is a chance to slow down and down-regulate our nervous system to embody a note of harmony and wellness for the New Year. Touching in with others, while staying cosy at home, let's relax into the possibility of co-creating a microcosm of harmony together.
In this hands-on session
There is no charge for this session - let's make it a gift to ourselves and to each other.
This is a chance to slow down and down-regulate our nervous system to embody a note of harmony and wellness for the New Year. Touching in with others, while staying cosy at home, let's relax into the possibility of co-creating a microcosm of harmony together.
In this hands-on session
- you'll receive all the pointers you need to easily join in
- we'll practice simple Jin Shin harmonizers to take away for use in daily life and
- share further resources for self-study
There is no charge for this session - let's make it a gift to ourselves and to each other.
What is Jin Shin?
Jin Shin Acupressure is an ancient Japanese healing art that utilizes the body's energy pathways to restore balance and promote physical and mental well-being. By gently applying pressure to specific points on the body, we can release blocked energy, thereby promoting health and harmony.
The benefits of Jin Shin
Jin Shin Acupressure is not just a physical practice, but also a gently powerful tool for mental and emotional well-being. It can help relieve stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, improving sleep and enhancing our overall mood. It can also aid with various physical ailments such as headaches, digestive issues and chronic pain. By harmonizing the body's energy, Jin Shin can bring about a sense of peace and tranquility, helping us feel more grounded and balanced.
Integrating disharmony
As we focus on harmony and well-being, let's also acknowledge disharmonies as an innate part of life. Every time we notice something 'out of sync', this can be a valuable pointer to what wants to be integrated - to life gently nudging us towards yet more wholeness. This is also why Jin Shin invites us to align with that which brings balance and to strengthen what is already well in us.
Embracing self-care
The beginning of a new year is a great time to prioritize well-being and self-care - and the practice of Jin Shin aligns so well with this purpose. Whether you're new to this practice or an experienced practitioner, this session aims to be an easy-to-follow and nurturing experience for everyone drawn to be there. Come join us in landing a note of harmony for 2024, as we embark on an hour of slowing down and gentle self-care together.
Who with?
Karen Luedtke is delighted to warmly welcome you to this session, in collaboration with Paola of the Biodanza Skillshare community and Qi Gong Coach Sally Ibbotson. Karen is an Art of Jin Shin practitioner and self-care facilitator certified with the Jin Shin Institute in New York, as well as a Transformational coach and Biodanza facilitator. She holds a private practice offering Jin Shin treatments and regular online self-care sessions. Above all, Karen is passionate about the journey of self-discovery and empowerment that the Art of Jin Shin takes us on… read more about Karen and her work -
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In a nutshell...
As we land in 2024, let's take a moment to slow down, realign and harmonize ourselves. The practice of Jin Shin Acupressure offers a unique and gently powerful way to achieve this. So, let's come together to practice this healing art and relax into this invite to co-create a note of harmony for the upcoming year. Looking forward to welcoming you on Sat 6 Jan 2024 at 5pm GMT for a meditative and nurturing experience of self-care.
More background Info
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