Your natural flow of life energy is harmonized by this subtle form of acupressure. Based on pulse listening and light touch, the Art of Jin Shin stimulates your innate self-healing capacity. Using it as self care empowers you to help yourself.
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Who are
sessions for? |
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"I came with an inquisitive mind, to see if this approach was valid for me
- it passed all the tests!" ~ L.M.
The Art of
Jin shin |
This subtle form of body work and self-care practice is also known as the ancient Eastern technique of Jin Shin Jyutsu. It derives from Japan and is sometimes referred to as the 'grandmother of acupuncture'. It is informed by pulse listening and based on twenty-six acupressure sites on each side of the body. These are held in different combinations or 'flows' to restore the circulation of energy along the extra-ordinary meridian lines of our body.
According to the holistic approach of Jin Shin, all our experiences have an impact on our emotional and energetic systems. These affect our physical body. Challenging experiences are stored in our energy field, nervous system and connective tissue and may manifest in all sorts of imbalances. Our bodies keep the score. In turn, energy work such as the Art of Jin shin can restore energy flows and take us into a deep space of relaxation. This activates the natural healing ability of our body and catalyzes our innate recovery process. When the natural flow of life energy comes into balance, energy blocks - physically manifesting as dis-ease, tension, fatigue, anxiety, aches and pains - can be released. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues - "projects rather than problems" as master Jin Shin Jyutsu teacher Mary Burmeister insisted - can be addressed to bring us into healthier rhythms. Self-care lies at the heart of the Art of Jin Shin. It emphasises the gentle and progressive, rather than 'quick-fix' nature of this system. Treatments can help to jump start recovery and activate a greater sense of well being. This can be consolidated further by regular self care at home. Your personal commitment is essential and empowers you to direct your own journey of coming more and more into balance. |
Approach "In healing from shock and trauma, the resolution is always a restoration of Soul (Essence) and the activation of Spirit (Action) in the service of Essence."
Stephanie Mines, PhD, founder of the TARA Approach |
The TARA Approach (acronym for Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness) integrates the ancient Eastern technique of Jin Shin with developments in Western neuro-sciences to offer specific tools for the recovery from shock and trauma. Its primary objective is to unburden our nervous system.
The response of our body to shock and trauma can have long-term effects and chronic conditions are frequently a way for our body to adapt. The TARA approach offers one precious and clinically-tested resource to address these conditions by way of gentle touch (the Art of Jin Shin) and sensitive dialogue (a Rediscovery journey) to stimulate self-healing. This combination means that both our pre-frontal cortex (enabling mindfulness) and brain-stem (responding to touch) are engaged to re-calibrate our nervous system. In essence, the TARA Approach aims to uproot causative conditions of imbalance - rather than merely focusing on symptoms - so as to regenerate and restore us to the core. Importantly, the TARA Approach is an integrative paradigm. It is a valuable complement to bio-medicine, but not intended to substitute medical care or to replace the need for comprehensive professional assistance. For a video introducing the TARA Approach - click here. |
Online offerings
sessions & retreats |
Would you like a tailor made self-care routine to support you further?
In an individual online Art of Jin Shin session we engage with coaching tools to
self care sessions |
"I love coming. This is a meditation group for me
- a body-centred meditation group." ~ J. M. "I have found these sessions to be a refuge of tranquility in this time of stress and anxiety, and an hour of peace from everyday cares." ~ L.PG. |
In Person offerings
& retreats |
I offer Jin Shin / TARA Approach sessions and retreats in Forres - Moray, Scotland.
Appointments start with a brief chat to look at how I might support you. During the session you rest fully clothed on a treatment table. The work is hands-on and involves gentle contact with different energy points on your body. Simple self-care applications to take home allow you to further consolidate treatment benefits. Sessions end with a short check-in and it is valuable to allow for unstructured integration time afterwards to make the most of your treatment. |
"The jumper-cabler [practitioner] is only a spectator.
The individual is the one to heal themselves."
~ Mary Burmeister
Portraits: Kate Bewick Photography & M. Vincent
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